Terms & Conditions

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 Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions of using the company's electronic platforms:
1- The company (the first party) undertakes to provide the necessary financing to cover the value of the goods or services purchased by the customer (the second party) from the accredited suppliers of goods or services approved by the company (the first party). The company (the first party) is obligated to pay the financing amount to the service or goods provider. The customer (the second party) is committed to repaying the financing amount, in addition to the return, administrative expenses, monthly expenses, and transferable collateral fees, if any, and government fees during the specified period according to each financing transaction separately.
In each transaction, the company (the first party) commits to informing the customer about a statement detailing the price of the goods or services, the value paid in advance by the customer, the financing amount provided by the company, the repayment period, the number and value of installments, the interest rate used as the basis for calculating the financing amount, whether it is fixed or variable, and the administrative expenses incurred by the company. Financing services will only be provided after the customer agrees to this statement through one of the notification methods specified in this contract, according to the attached appendix to the contract.
2- The customer (the second party) commits and undertakes to repay the total amount of the granted financing for each transaction under this agreement in monthly installments or as agreed sequentially. The first installment becomes due according to the agreement from the date of completing the financing transaction.
In the event that the customer uses any of the company's electronic platforms to purchase goods and/or services and avail the company's services, the customer is indebted to the company for the value of the goods and services in monthly installments or as agreed on the first day of each month, according to the installment plan chosen by the customer. In case of the customer's delay and non-compliance in repaying any of these installments until the fifth day from their due date, a late payment fee is calculated on the customer, amounting to fifty pounds in addition to 5% to 10% or any other percentage communicated to the customer through any electronic communication means, calculated on the unpaid installments until full payment is made.
If the customer is delayed in repaying three consecutive installments, all remaining installments become due, and the company has the right to demand the customer to repay the entire financing amount immediately, adding all administrative expenses, late fees, and accrued interest. The company can take all legal actions to safeguard its rights.
The customer's use of any of the company's electronic platforms to complete the purchase of goods or services from goods or service providers is considered full acceptance by the customer after a thorough examination of the goods or services at the point of purchase. This examination is deemed conclusive and not subject to any ignorance after inspection and testing under all

 conditions. The customer is not entitled to return to the company (the first party) in case of defects in any of the purchased goods or services, without prejudice to the provisions regulated by consumer protection laws. The parties have agreed to allow the modification of the financing agreement by increasing the financing amount after the customer submits a request to the company for consideration. If the company accepts the customer's request, it commits to rescheduling the new financing amount after adding any dues to the customer under the previous financing amount. The customer is then informed of the value of their new installments and their due dates through electronic transactions. These are sent by the company to the customer via email specified in the agreement, text messages to the mobile phone specified in the agreement, or the customer's account on any of the company's electronic platforms. The terms of the electronic editor and electronic transaction mentioned above are valid against both parties.
Clause Three: Early Repayment:
The customer has the right to expedite the fulfillment of all or some of the financing installments from the due date of the first installment, provided that this desire is expressed in writing or by submitting a request through any of their electronic accounts or by submitting a request through the registered mobile phone number to the company before the targeted repayment date by a period not less than thirty days. The outstanding balance must be repaid according to the accepted repayment schedule signed by the customer, with the calculation of an early repayment fee of two hundred pounds, in addition to ------% (a percentage) on the remaining balance subject to early repayment. This is conditional on repaying all overdue installments along with their interest and any late fees, if applicable. The company, as the first party, has the right to modify or change the applied fees and percentages, notifying the customer accordingly.
Clause Four: Assignment of Rights and Guarantees Arising from the Financing Agreement
The company may assign all or some of its rights arising from this agreement, as well as the guarantees issued in its favor by the customer, to any third party. The company has the right to disclose to the assigned party the debtor's information, the transferred rights, the fulfilled installments, repayment schedules, instances of default, and all other relevant data and information for this purpose. The company is also entitled to securitize its debt portfolio with third parties or discount it in accordance with the laws and decisions issued by the Board of Directors of the regulatory authority, without opposition from the second party. The customer's signature on this agreement is a final acknowledgment of their approval for the company to assign such rights and/or securitize the company's debt portfolio and disclose their information to any assigned third party.
Clause Five: Company Obligations
5.1 The company undertakes to pay the financing amount to the service or goods provider, and the customer will be notified through email, text messages on the mobile phone, or the

 customer's account on any of the company's electronic platforms. The notification will be directed to the email or mobile number (as applicable) specified below.
5.2 The company commits to retain a copy of the receipt confirming the completion of the payment to the service or goods provider, considering it as the document indicating the payment.
5.3 The company is committed to notifying the customer of any modifications to the network of goods and services providers throughout the contract period.
5.4 The company undertakes to inform the customer of the entity to which their obligations are transferred and the method of installment repayment in case of any changes.
5.5 The company is committed to maintaining the complete confidentiality of customer data and not disclosing any information about them or their transactions to third parties without their prior written consent, within the limits of this consent. This excludes cases where the company is obligated to provide specific information to the General Authority for Financial Control, regulatory or judicial authorities, credit rating companies, or entities and companies contracting with the company for the purpose of providing financial services. This also applies in cases of securitization, refinancing, or discounting the company's rights arising from this agreement, in accordance with Clause Four of this agreement.
5.6 In the event of the customer's delay in fulfilling at least two installments or failure to meet the installments due to the company, and thirty days have passed since their due date, the company is entitled to take all legal actions regarding the financed product, settling all customer dues after deducting all company dues.
Clause Six: Customer Obligations
The customer undertakes to fully repay all financing installments on the agreed-upon dates specified by the company. This repayment should be made through the payment methods provided by the company or any specialized payment collection companies contracted with the company and announced to the company's clients through its electronic platforms. These payment channels include, but are not limited to, cash payment channels, electronic payment channels, electronic wallets on the internet, direct debit instructions from bank accounts, and field collection services, according to the customer's preference. Any additional costs incurred for these services will be added to the value of the collected goods or services.
Additionally, the customer is obligated to disclose their income data to the company and provide any guarantees that may be required for the financing contract. The customer also commits to paying all administrative expenses determined by the company.
The customer has the right to terminate the contract if the contracted financing services are not provided within 10 days from the contract date, and the customer is entitled to a refund, if

 applicable. The company may deduct any administrative fees incurred for issuing the contract in case of contract termination.
Clause seven: Registration of Transferred Guarantees
Both parties agree that the company may, at its discretion, register the rights established in its favor under this agreement on the movables purchased by the customer under this contract. This registration will be made in the Register of Transferred Guarantees, in accordance with the provisions of the law regulating transferred guarantees issued by Law No. 115 of 2015. The expenses related to this registration shall be borne by the second party (the customer). The customer is prohibited from dealing with the financed movables until full repayment of all financing installments is made, and a final settlement is obtained from the company.
Clause Eight: Amendments:
The parties agree that amendments to the terms of this agreement are permissible through an electronic editor or electronic transaction. The company will send the amendment to the customer through any of its electronic platforms, and the electronic editor is considered effective against the customer unless the customer objects within fifteen (15) days from the date of the customer's knowledge of the proposed amendments. The objection must be sent to the customer's email or any of the customer's accounts on electronic platforms.
In case of the customer's objection to the amendments, any requests for new financing operations will be suspended without affecting existing financing operations. The contract will end with the completion of the last existing financing operation. Afterward, the company has the right to terminate the contract, settle the customer's account, and liquidate any outstanding balance immediately. The customer is obliged to repay the outstanding balance if applicable, immediately, and bear any expenses associated with closing the account.
Clause Nine: Notifications
Any notice or request regarding this agreement must be in writing through an electronic editor or electronic transaction. It shall be delivered via email, text messages on the mobile phone, or the customer's account on any of the company's electronic platforms. The notification should be directed to the email or mobile number (as applicable) specified below, or to any email or mobile number that the concerned party has notified the other party of for the same purpose. This address or number (as applicable) shall be considered effective from the date of announcing the change according to this clause.
The customer also commits to promptly notify the company if there is a change in his place of residence as indicated in this agreement.
Clause Ten: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
This agreement is subject to all applicable laws in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Economic Court in Cairo has jurisdiction over all disputes that may arise due to any violation of the provisions of this agreement.

 "Company Electronic Platform Usage Policies." All transactions on electronic platforms are recorded in Egyptian Pounds.
• The customer's mobile phone number is linked to the electronic platforms, and under all circumstances, linking more than one mobile phone number for a single customer is not allowed.
• The customer bears sole responsibility for the accuracy of all information and data entered while dealing with any of the electronic platforms. The customer acknowledges that the transactions and data entered are processed without any additional review by the company and/or without receiving written notifications and/or without verification. The company does not assume any responsibility towards the customer in case of any errors in any data entered on any of the electronic platforms.
• The use of any of the electronic platforms is limited to the customer according to the applicable terms of use and within the scope of usage provided by the company.
The customer alone is responsible with absolute and unconditional liability before the company for all expenses and obligations resulting from the use of any of the electronic platforms, as well as the consequences resulting from misuse and/or loss of the customer's mobile phone and/or the use of the mobile number by anyone other than the customer.
• The customer's use of any of the company's electronic platforms to complete the purchase of any goods and/or services from suppliers of goods or services constitutes full acceptance by the customer upon thorough inspection of the goods or services at the purchase location, with complete and unequivocal disclaimers of any ignorance after examination and testing in all circumstances. It is not conditional on receiving the products at the time of completing the purchase, and therefore the customer does not have the right to recourse against the company in the event of a defect in any of the purchased goods or services, without prejudice to the provisions of consumer protection laws.
• The customer agrees to pay the full installments due on the agreed-upon dates to the company through the payment methods available by the company or any payment collection companies contracted with the company and announced to customers through electronic platforms and all means of communication with customers. These methods include, for example, cash payment channels, electronic payment, including electronic wallets on the internet, direct debit instructions from bank accounts, and field collection services according to the customer's request, with an additional cost added to the value of the collected goods and services.
• The company retains ownership rights of the sold goods displayed on electronic platforms until the customer fully pays the financing installments. Therefore, the customer is not allowed to dispose of the products in any way before fulfilling all installments and/or obtaining prior written approval from the company to do so. Any action on these products before full payment of the outstanding amounts is deemed absolutely null and void and does not enforce against the company, triggering the immediate maturity of the remaining installments.

 In the event that the customer is delayed in paying three consecutive installments, all remaining installments due on them become due, and the company has the right to demand the customer to immediately pay the entire granted financing amount, along with all administrative fees, late fines, and accrued interest.
• If the customer fails to pay any installment due under the financing contract, the company may notify the service or goods provider to take necessary actions against the customer in accordance with the policies, terms, and conditions applied by the service or goods provider in similar cases, in light of the laws and regulations governing such matters.
• The customer has the right to terminate the contract if the contracted financing services are not provided within 10 days from the date of the contract, and to receive any due refunds, if any. The company may deduct any administrative expenses it incurred for issuing the contract.
The General Terms for Using Electronic Platforms.
The company is not responsible for any fees collected by any party other than the fees announced on any of the electronic applications and platforms of the company, as the registration and activation service is free on electronic platforms.
The company has the right to accept or reject the registration request for the services of the company's electronic platforms at its absolute discretion and without any liability on the company in any case.
The company is not responsible for any disputes or conflicts arising between the customer and the providers of goods or services regarding the goods and services purchased and obtained through any of the company's electronic platforms, and the company is not a party to those relationships.
The provisions and regulations of the Egyptian Consumer Protection Law govern the relationship between the customer and the service or goods provider, especially regarding the return and replacement of goods. The customer has the right to request a refund or replacement of any item from the relevant provider, and the acceptance of the request is the responsibility of the goods or service provider according to the replacement policies in place at its store, provided it does not violate the rules and regulations of the Egyptian Consumer Protection Law and does not affect the customer's relationship with the company.
The company is not responsible for the rejection of the service or goods provider to complete the purchase process using any of the company's electronic platforms or any defect in the sold products. Any claim from the customer against the merchant will not be subject to the company. The company will only add any refunded value after receiving approval for the return request correctly issued by the goods or service provider.
The company or any other party it may entrust with executing any of its obligations under the terms and conditions of the use of electronic platforms has the right to record telephone calls received on the designated customer service number, keep them, and use them as conclusive evidence against the customer.

 The company may terminate the activation of any of its electronic platforms at any time without prior notice to customers or providing reasons.
The company reserves the right to modify any term of the terms and/or conditions of using its electronic platforms. Any modification or change will become effective for the customer after notifying them through any means used by the company, provided that the customer is informed of the change. In case the customer does not accept any of the modifications or changes, they must notify the company of their desire to terminate the contract within thirty days from the date of being informed about the modification or change. The customer should immediately cease any transactions through the electronic platforms and submit a request to the company to stop the service, settling any necessary arrangements, including payment of any amounts due as a result of any current or previous purchase transactions. The customer's initiation of any new transaction or continuation of an existing transaction - after being informed of the modification or change - is considered acceptance, and no objection is allowed thereafter.
The company reserves the right, from time to time and with justification, to modify the prices and commercial returns applied to the service without objection from the customer. This applies to all subsequent purchase transactions following the price adjustment.
In the case of the customer's voluntary selection of a financing program with a variable interest rate, the company has the right to adjust the installment schedule according to this change and notify the customer of this adjustment. The customer's choice of a program with a variable interest rate is considered a prior unconditional agreement to adjust the installment schedule in light of this change.
In the event of suspicion regarding any operations carried out using electronic platforms, the company's employees will contact you by phone at the numbers previously registered with the company for transaction review. If the company cannot reach you, it reserves the right to reject the transaction and temporarily suspend your use of the electronic platforms to protect you from theft, fraud, and misuse.
The customer has the right to purchase through any other electronic platforms (not owned by the company), and in doing so, they are bound by the terms and conditions of these platforms without any liability on the company.
Declaration of Acceptance with an Explicit Denial of Ignorance – Electronic Platforms of the Company.
The customer undertakes to preserve the digital identity and personal identification information and not to disclose it. Consequently, the customer will be solely responsible for disclosing any personal, financial, or operational information related to the application, as such disclosure is considered an error and negligence in safeguarding this data.
The customer acknowledges their civil and criminal responsibility for all transactions carried out through the electronic platforms or the application, as long as these transactions have been made using the mobile phone number exclusively associated with their accounts on the electronic platforms and using

 operational data. The company's books and electronic records will serve as evidence against the customer and others. Therefore, the company retains the full right to print any details or operations from the application or through the platform, stamp them with the company's seal, and use them when needed, including for evidence and legal proceedings.
The customer acknowledges the company's non-responsibility or burden for any costs or liabilities that may arise due to the interruption of the internet/mobile phone service or as a result of any problems or malfunctions that may occur in the network or mobile phone line.
The customer acknowledges their acceptance of receiving advertisements about the company's offers and services on their email or any other means of communication.
The customer acknowledges their awareness and agreement to the company's use of cookies technology to facilitate and expedite the browsing process on electronic platforms, learn more about their preferences, and provide better services on the electronic platforms in line with their choices. The customer also agrees to the use of cookies for user differentiation and identifying issues for the purpose of improving the electronic platform services and user experience. The company may obtain some non- personal data through the analysis of this information to better understand the requirements and interests of visitors and/or customers. Additionally, the company may target its marketing and advertising campaigns more effectively by providing the customer with ads related to the goods, services, and facilities offered by the company.
The customer is committed to maintaining the complete confidentiality of their data, including digital identity and personal identification information. The customer agrees not to disclose any information about themselves or their transactions to others without prior written consent. Within the limits of this consent, the company may provide specific information to the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority, regulatory authorities, judicial authorities, rating agencies, credit information bureaus, or entities and companies contracting with the company for financial services. This includes cases where the company transfers its rights arising from the financing agreement.
By signing the financing agreement, the customer authorizes the company or anyone the company deems suitable, including individuals, companies, or others, to conduct necessary field inquiries to verify the identity of the applicant and examine their credit history. This includes inquiries at all banks, checking their combined position at the Central Bank of Egypt, and accessing information from various governmental and non-governmental entities, using all means and methods deemed appropriate by the company for inquiries.
If the customer has any complaints regarding the services provided to them, they can submit a written complaint to the company's dedicated complaints department. Upon receiving the customer's complaint, the company will provide the customer with a written acknowledgment of receiving their complaint. The company will promptly and fairly follow up and process the customer's complaint within a period not exceeding two weeks from the date of submission. After reviewing the complaint, the company will provide the customer with a written notice indicating whether the company accepts or rejects the complaint, along with the reasons leading to that decision and any proposed compensation if applicable. If the customer is not satisfied with the company's response, they may refer to Clause 10 of

 the financing agreement regarding dispute resolution or contact the relevant department at the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority. For any inquiries related to the follow-up of the submitted complaint, the customer can contact the Complaints Department at Sevencomplaints@bseven.com.
The customer acknowledges that they have reviewed the Investor Protection Guide in the non-banking financial sector issued by the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority on the electronic platforms of the company before signing the financing agreement. The guide contains all the risks that may arise from dealing with the services under the financing agreement. The customer also acknowledges that they have read the aforementioned guide, understood its contents, including the services provided to them under the financing agreement, fully and after exercising due diligence. Therefore, the customer absolves the company of any responsibility arising from a lack of understanding of the aforementioned guide, its contents, services, and the associated risks.
The customer commits to providing the company with any additional information that may be required to determine the sources of funds used to repay the installments in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Law No. 80 of 2002, its executive regulations, and amendments thereto. In all cases, the customer acknowledges full responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the documents provided to the company. The customer acknowledges their full responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the documents provided to the company and accepts all legal responsibilities and consequences if otherwise proven.
The customer acknowledges that their signature on the financing agreement constitutes explicit consent to all terms and conditions of using the electronic platforms, a commitment to fulfill all obligations, and the submission of all required documents, personally signed, and compliance with the terms of the electronic platforms.
All the mentioned terms and conditions are subject to Egyptian law, and in case of disputes, the Egyptian courts are the recognized competent authority to resolve these disputes. Authorization for Information Retrieval I acknowledge and authorize Beltone Consumer Finance or anyone authorized by them to obtain all information and data, whether at my place of residence or employment, from all banks I deal with or other banks and my accounts with other companies in the Arab Republic of Egypt. This includes information obtained through the Central Credit Registry at the Central Bank of Egypt, credit information and rating companies, governmental and non-governmental entities, public and private sectors, and any other entity that has information and data that serves the purposes of the company. This authorization remains valid and cannot be revoked or canceled at any time.
Customer Declarations:
I acknowledge that I am the actual beneficiary of the financing. By submitting this request, I acknowledge and unconditionally agree to all the terms, conditions, and policies applied by the company to its electronic platforms regarding consumer finance. I also affirm that all the data and information provided by me are true and accurate, committing to update them immediately upon any changes or upon your request. Furthermore, I agree that Beltone Consumer Finance has the right to accept or reject

 this request without providing any reasons or justifications. The company also reserves the right to legally pursue me to the fullest extent permissible by law for any false information or omissions submitted, and I acknowledge that my understanding of the schedule of installments below is final and irrevocable in case of obtaining financing for a one-time product.
• The customer gives full and unconditional consent for the company to collect, retain, possess, and process all information and data and documents provided by them for use under legally permissible conditions.
• The customer explicitly agrees unconditionally to deal through electronic means, and any electronic mail and transactions shall be valid and effective.
• The customer acknowledges a final and unconditional declaration that there is nothing preventing them from fulfilling their financial obligations continuously. Failure to pay any financial obligation at any time is considered deception and fraud, and they bear the civil and criminal responsibility for that. The contractual relationship with the company is based on the personal declaration of their ability to fulfill their financial obligations arising from the contract.
• The customer gives full and unconditional consent that they are solely responsible for their digital identity (PIN, password, electronic transactions through the application), and the customer acknowledges their responsibility for all digital transactions and operations conducted on the electronic application as long as these instructions and operations have been carried out using the mobile phone number exclusively linked to their application. The company's records and electronic logs shall serve as evidence against the customer, including proof and legal proceedings.
• The electronic application is a modern technological means that includes data exchange, information, products, correspondence, agreements, and electronic financing orders to facilitate operations conducted with the company. Therefore, the company reserves the full right to print any details from the application, seal them with the company's seal for use when needed, including for proof and legal proceedings.
• The company has the right to send any notice, message, statement, advertising content, or marketing material via any technological means, targeting directly or indirectly awareness messages, updates, discounts, or promotions for products or financing programs offered by Beltone Consumer Finance.